Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grilled Salmon Fillets

Salmon Fillets                 -  4
Oil                                  -  2 Tea spoons  (Go for Olive Oil)
Lemon Juice                    - 1 Lemon
Salt                                 -  As Needed
Pepper                            -  As per the Taste
Ginger & Garlic Paste          - 1 Tea Spoon
Turmeric                          -  A Pinch


  1. Mix Salt, Pepper, Lemon Juice, Ginger & Garlic Paste in a bowl and keep a side.
  2. Clean Salmon fillets and apply the mix what we prepared.
  3. After applying the paste, marinate the fish for 15 to 30 mins.
  4. After marination, Grill the fillets on a normal or grilled pan both sides with little oil till it is cooked fully.
  5. Serve Hot and yummy fillets on top of the lettuce. 

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